Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tears for a 5 yr old.

It's not often a five yr old can have you stuttering and lost for words but last night my niece asked me some sticky questions that had me lost for answers.

Last night I was walking past Tyra's room when she was in bed and she called out for me to come in (her mother had gone to the store). So I went in and snuggled up to her and her teddy who we then proceeded to try and name (we never settled with any as she kept changing the gender of the bear). After a while of me suggesting names and her rejecting them she went a little quiet. "Mozzy, why does grandma and grandad fight?" well why is the sky blue? But trying to answer that question to a five yr old somehow ended up like this, "Sometimes grandad does something grandma doesn't like and sometimes grandma does something grandad doesn't like.. but it's ok, that happens", she obviously spends waaaay too much time with her grandparents.. and then she gobsmacked me again, "On my daddy day he took me to lunch and then mummy came and she tried to hug daddy but he walked away from her and I felt bad for mummy so I went home with her but I felt bad for daddy so I made him a card but I don't know why he did that"... well what the kcuf was I supposed to say to that?! Tyra baby, you're parents are idiots who are better off without each other that's why they're not together anymore... I somehow stumbled my way through some pathetic explanation, "sometimes mummy and daddy fight the same way grandma and grandad fight", "no, they don't", "sometimes they do", how was I supposed to explain relationships to a five yr old?! I looked at her and the expression on her face as she plucked at her teddy was so heartbreaking.. in a little voice she had more to say, "Sometimes when they've been bad they make me choose who has been bad and I don't like it because I think they've both been bad.. I don't know who to choose"..  my throat felt so constricted as I tried to squeeze some sort of steady condolence out. Because all of a sudden, she had shown me the world through her 5 yr old eyes, her position, her viewpoint and how it was so unfair the pressure and the decisions she was supposed to make, mum, or dad? And I had no real answer for her.. no answer that was supposed to explain the world to her.. no answer that she was ready to hear.. no answer that was acceptable.. all I could do was hug her and cry.

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