Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Sister 1 sitting at kitchen table eating a bowl of spaghetti bolognaise.
Sister 2 in bedroom doing homework.
Older Brother enters kitchen, walks past sister 1 to sister 2 in bedroom, opens bedroom door:

“So where’s this bloody spaghetti?”

Sister 1 overhears and looks up in disbelief.

Sister 2 “uh.. in the kitchen”

Brother “oh right”

Brother walks to stove and opens pot 1 ft spaghetti. Proceeds to fill plate. Brother then looks dumbfounded.

Brother asks sister 1 “where’s the bloody sauce?”

Sister 1 raises her eyebrows “In the pot next to it”.

Brother opens fridge and peers in “Is there any parmesan cheese?”

“no and you wouldn’t find it in the fridge anyway, there’s a block of cheese in there though”

“But its not grated”

“you serious? Man, I should return it..”

“Do I have to grate it myself?”

Sister 1 …………….

Can you believe he got an enter of 97.6??


Nate said...

Being intellectually gifted doesn't make you smart, a friend of mine topped her year in High School and is now fast tracking her studies to be a surgeon and she thought Nelson Mandela was a boxer =P

Heidi said...

fo' sho' it doesn't.. i have to refer you to one of my previous posts under the "boss" tag :P