Brace yourself, lads. Starting from least embarrassing to most.
Dinner in bed - Sif you've never done it.. all snuggled up under the covers, pillows plumped behind you and a nice meal.. because sometimes you're just too lazy and it's just too nice! The last time I did this it was because I was having my own private Big Bang Theory marathon.. not really ashamed of this one..
Bold and the Beautiful - I used to watch this religiously. Yes, I understand soapies are never-ending life crisis extremists but come on, at least Bold and the Beautiful is much better quality than Days of Our Lives or heaven forbid, Passions! Remember Passions? Tabitha and her doll-kid, everything just went haywire from there.. maybe that's why they axed it. I could go into length here and start discussing the characters and what I hear to be the latest (I havn't watched it in a while due to my unfortunate make-a-living hours) love triangles (and I wonder if Brooke has made it through an episode where she doesn't cry..) but we stray.. but this one pleases me.. and at least it's not Neighbours!
Playschool - Okay so I don't really have an excuse to watch this anymore as even my 5yr old niece has grown out of it but it gives me a thrill every time I catch it! Who doesn't like storytime?! And those learning-the-days-of-the-week gadgets and clocks are so cool.. and where did you first learn to make playdough? That's what I thought. I used to imagine (going back a few years now ok, don't tease) that Monica would call me up and ask me to be on playschool with them.. I also used to wish (and still do) that I worked on Playschool, how fun right? right. I wonder what window they'll look through today.. will it be the circle window? the square window? the arch window? ha.
Mariah Carey - Ummm... so maybe I know almost all the words to her songs.. and own quite a few of her albums.. and maybe I used to try and sound like her and maybe I tried to reach those decibel notes she gets to and maybe I did reach them and then lost my voice for about a week.. this is kind of embarrassing.. i'm not really one for mainstream pop or rnb in general but sometimes she hits the spot.. you have to admit, she has an amazing voice.. it's just.. not cool..
Sound of Music - "The hiiiiiills are aliiiiive, with the sooooooound of muuuuusic.." I blame father for this one, he tried to turn us into the Von Trapp family. True story. When it wasn't Schubert or Haydyn or Shostakovich or Chopin, it was The Sound of Music record he would put on when it was time for us to go to bed and play it loud enough for the melodic intricacies to weave it's way through our dreams. When I was about eight he made us learn the 'Cuckoo' song and put on a family concert (just like in the movie) at MLC.. it was a tad humiliating at the time.. a little bit funny now.. not that this has anything to do with the Sound of Music but all us kids played instruments and he made me learn Haydyn's "Messiah" for it.. can I just tell you now that it was a hard piece to play! far beyond my eight year old violinistic ken.. but I did it... aaaaaaaand getting off topic here. But how can you not participate in "Do, re, mi" in music class?! or not run around a gazebo screeching "I am 16 going on 17" pretending to be Liesel (guilty as charged)?! How can you not swoon when the Captain sings "Eidelweiss"?! How?! Me loves it.
Finding fault - This guilty pleasure is pretty horrible.. I guess its a fault in my character.. but you know what? everybody does it, I'm just saying it out loud, or.. writing it.. for the horrible truth of humanity to be recognized. It makes me infinately more comfortable when I look at someone who to me seems pretty damn perfect and force myself to find some sort of humanistic fault, whether it be in appearance or character. Maybe it's spite or jealousy or maybe it's so they seem more human or closer to the flawed me.. something perhaps I can relate to. It doesn't mean I don't like the person, it's just so I feel like we're on more even ground and less intimidating..
Twilight - There. I said it. I feel so dirty. This is the worst of my guilty pleasures and it's a big one. I should try to justify myself here and make a clear demarcation between my opinion of the books and the movies. The movies are horrible. Bad acting, bad graphics, bad script, bad interpretation of characters. True enough, the actors don't distort the general splendour visually but seriously, whatsisname Pattinson, stop playing Edward so needy and pathetic, you made me switch from Team Edward to Team Jacob.. and Kristin.. you're crap. The books are so, so, so much better! I will admit, when Twilight came out in cinemas I saw it... ten times.. I knoooooooooooooow! shutup. He was just so pleasing to the eye! geez.. I'm a perve.
And maybe I do own a twilight t-shirt.. and poster.. but I HAVE clamed down, I promise. If it makes it any better I've only read the books twice... Please don't break up with me..